Wednesday, November 14, 2012

$50 Gift Card Winner!

Thank you all so much for entering the $50 Outlet Shops of Grand River gift card giveaway!  I had a lot of fun reading through the comments and "meeting" several new friends!

I wish I could give ALL of you a gift card, but unfortunately, that would cost me $1250, and I just can't quite swing that for now.  BUT, if I ever inherit a million dollars, those gift cards are ALL yours!  LOL

And, without any further rambling, the winner is:

Julie, get in touch with me and I'll get your $50 gift card to you ASAP!

Again, that you ALL so much for following me on FB and actually reading my itty-bitty blog!  Keep watching because I hope to have another giveaway before Christmas!


I have decided that Disqus officially hates me and is determined to lead me to even more gray hair!  I initially made a detailed list of the contest entrees going by the comments showing up on my blog.  I then went to verify timing of comments, likes, etc, using my e-mail notifications from Disqus.  Well, I was very disturbed to find that for some reason, Disqus had "hidden" 12 of the contest entries.  I have screen shots of my e-mail comments, in order, and I also have screen shots of my Disqus dashboard that show these comments and in what order they were made.  If ANYBODY wants me to send them copies of these to verify the validity of this contest, I will them to you ASAP.  I want to always be honest with all of you and don't want there to ever be a question in your mind that my contest winners were chosen unfairly.

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