Monday, August 12, 2013

Who's crazy idea was this?

Hey friends!  I hope you all have had a wonderful week and weekend! Even though it was hot and humid, the weather at my house (between the showers) was gorgeous!  The skies were so blue, I could swear it was Fall already. A girl can hope, right?

Thanks to all of you who wished Marty and I a happy 25th wedding anniversary last week.  Even though we would have loved to take an exotic vacation or had a big party, right now other things are more important, like work, family, school, and home.  We may eventually celebrate big, but for now, low key was just fine with us. Marty did surprise me at work with these, however:

Gorgeous!  Marty chose a more practical gift....a garden tiller. We are so romantic!  HAHA!

Not only was it our anniversary last week, the short summer is rapidly coming to an end.  We wanted to do some fun things with Jameson before he heads off to school next week.  On Thursday, we decided to start finish-up school clothes/supply shopping, and I let him pick where he wanted to eat.  Since his daddy wasn't with us (he's allergic to seafood), he chose Red Lobster.  Let me tell you, this boy can EAT some crab legs!

This is a pound-and-a-half!

Five minutes later:

Fully cracked and ready to eat.  The waiter was impressed with my cracking skills.  HAHA!

Then ten minutes later:

He was so full, he didn't eat anything the rest of the day!

During our trip, I also picked up a little something for myself:

I'm telling you, I am obsessed with this movie!  This will forever be known as "the Summer of Pitch Perfect".

Then Friday, we decided to surprise Jameson with a quick trip to Legoland in Atlanta:

Most things were a little young for him, but he said he had a great time.

After Legoland, my boss, who is also one of my best friends, took us out to eat at this fantastic Brazilian steakhouse in Buckhead:

They have an incredible salad bar and then the waiters walk around with skewers of assorted meats. When you flip the card to green, that means you want more meat. When you have enough, you flip the card to red.  Everything was amazing!

The best part of the meal for me was dessert...of course:

Oh yeah, did I mention my birthday was also this weekend?  Who's crazy idea was it to get married a few days before my birthday? Obviously I didn't think that through very well.

Saturday we didn't leave the house, but we had a full day Sunday.  First we had church, then off to my favorite restaurant Fuji, where I had a green river roll:

Then, at the last minute, we decided to see Elysium.

Photo from HERE

It was pretty gory in a few parts, but it was an excellent movie. 

On the way home, we saw a beautiful we stopped to take pictures!

What? Doesn't everybody do that?

Once we made it home, Marty and Jameson gave me the very best gift of all...

They cleaned up the kitchen for me!

I've been trying to decrease the amount of sugar I eat, but I couldn't go to bed before trying a small slice of my birthday cake:

Doesn't it look fabulous?

Even though it's been an extremely busy week, we've had a blast spending a ton of time together!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!

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