Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not everyone was happy with the trip.

We all had a wonderful vacation to Florida...well not ALL of us. We did have to leave one family member behind.


Unfortunately, our condo did not allow pets, so we weren't able to bring Sweets with us. This posed a problem because I was totally against boarding her with the vet. NOT that there's anything wrong with doing that! It's just that I was scared that Sweets would think we had abandoned her since she spent her first year of life in a shelter (where they took fabulous care of her).  I know, I'm turning into the crazy cat lady, but I just didn't want to disrupt her life if we didn't have to.

Fortunately, my fabulous niece Laura agreed to come daily to feed, clean, and play with her.  You can tell she hated every single second of it:

We worried about how she would react to us when we got back.  She loved on the kids like they had never left:

She would let me pet her, but wouldn't dare let me hold or snuggle with her.  But, Marty...poor Marty, she wouldn't let him come within 5 feet of her! She was MAD at him! Normally at night, she hops in the bed, right between us and snuggles right up to Marty. Not Friday night!  She did get in our bed, but stayed around our feet most of the night. Thankfully, by early Sunday morning, she decided she had forgiven Marty and snuggled right up to him, just like nothing had ever happened. She even let me have a little snuggle time with her today!

We all missed her so much that we've decided that she will have to just go with us the next time! That my friends, I'm sure will be very interesting!

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