Monday, June 10, 2013

Friendship Gifts

Saturday night, Marty and I were invited to a dinner party...with real grown-ups and with real adult conversation.

Yeah, that never, ever happens.

Marty and I were SO excited to be included with a group of our very favorite bloggers/tweeters. At first, I wasn't nervous at all because I already know most of them, but then I started having this freak-out that this was a "Dinner for Schmucks" kind of thing where each guest invites the biggest loser/freak they know and try to see who's guest is the weirdest. Umm, yeah. I have a problem.

Anyway, I quickly brushed that thought out of my mind, and focused my attention of bringing everyone a little token of friendship. After bouncing a few ideas around, I decided I would vinyl some cups. Simple right? WRONG!

I immediately knew what I wanted to do for Stephanie, the hostess, so I ordered the perfect cups and worked on her designs. But the other two, I had to use my stealth skills to figure out what to make. When I say "stealth skills", I mean Twitter and texting. Thanks to Katherine and Jamie for humoring me...and especially Katherine who answered my texts FROM NEW YORK. Yeah, I have no shame. I'll just come right out and text someone while they are in New York on a business trip. What's next? A FUNERAL?

Anyway, after a few trips and multiple color changes, these are what I managed to come up with:

 Since Stephanie was the hostess, she got two cups.

 I love, love, love Stephanie's blog logo. Her chicken is hysterical! Stephanie likes wine, so I thought these Vino-to-go cups would be awesome!

Back of the cup, with Stephanie's blog name, Plain Chicken.

I didn't love this cup, but hey...It's got Stephanie's name all over it...
Literally!  HAHA!

This is Katherine's cup.  Kat said her favorite drink is Diet Coke, so I made her a Tervis-like cup.

Kat's blog is Grass Stains, so I just had to add a little green! Well, that and she likes blue and green.

Jamie said her favorite drink was coffee, so I thought an insulated coffee cup would be perfect. 

Jamie's blog is Jamie's Rabbits, so what else would I have put on her cup?

It's just too bad that Jamie's cup decided to dive out of the car and onto the concrete when we got to Stephanie's house. :/  It survived, but did have a couple extra dings in it.

We all had a fabulous time (I mean, seriously I want to do it every week, kind of fantastic), but I'll have to tell that story a little later in the week!

I hope y'all are doing well and will have an awesome week!

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