Friday, May 31, 2013

Mama's Mumblings

Hey friends!

I hope you are all enjoying  this warmer weather! It seems to have gone from Winter to Summer here. No Spring for us, but that's not unusual for Alabama. I hope everyone is recovering from the floods and tornadoes that have seemed to plague so many of you!


School is finally officially out for the summer! Jameson had a really great year. He made all A's for the year, and got several awards at Awards day.  We are so proud of how hard he works!


Speaking of Jameson, he has easily fallen back into the summer sleep schedule. He slept until 11:20 this morning! He never, ever sleeps that late!  Of course, I am LOVING not having to set an alarm 3 days a week! That changes next week, though, when Jameson starts two weeks of Science Camp.


It's strawberry picking time! We picked strawberries at Watts Farm for the first time last year and had a blast, so we knew we had to go again this year. We only picked 2 gallons last year and they didn't last a full week, so we picked 4 gallons this year!

Soaking in a vinegar and water bath!

4 Gallons of berries ready for the freezer with a bowl macerating with sugar for cake!

If you live in the Northeast Alabama area and want the best strawberries you've ever eaten, Watts Farm is the place to go!

Marty got the Redneck Rivera swimming pool cleaned and ready for swimming this weekend. My two great-nieces came over for some fantastic pool-time fun!

Jessie flying through the air!

He's not too sure about swimming around with 4 girls.  LOL

Kacie and Chelsea decided they enjoyed watching more than swimming.

The "Business" continues to be active, especially with Mother's Day and the end of school. My dining/craft room is worse than it's ever been, but I am hoping I'll have a chance to sort/clean/organize some now that school is done. Here are a few recent orders.

Frames are still my favorite thing to do!

Have you ever seen a pink Iron Man?

I'm working on something that will hopefully make looking/ordering things easier for everyone.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

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