Friday, March 22, 2013

Attempt at a Friday Freebie! PEEPS!

Hey friends!  It's FRIDAY!

I hope all of you fared well through the storms earlier in the week.  We had tons of trees down in our neighborhood and in our town, but fortunately nobody was hurt.  Things can be replaced, people cannot!

Anyway, with Easter right around the corner, I've had several requests for my Peeps file that I did for Jameson's class last year.  

Until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't think I could share anything that I created using my Silhouette software.  I've been playing around with some different programs and I think I may have figured it out!  I was able to share it via e-mail with one of my fabulous bloggie friends, and she said it worked!  YIPEE!

So, here is my first attempt to share a file.  You should be able to click on the photos, download them to your computer, and then print!  IF IT DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU, I honestly have NO IDEA how to change it or fix it.  SO SORRY!  I am a total computer idiot, so converting things is way above my head and thought process.

"You're one of my favorite Peeps" circle file:

Peeps S'mores label.

I attempted to share the PDF file, but Blogger doesn't recognize it as a file.
 I hope this works for everyone!

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