Monday, March 25, 2013

A week of field trips!

Hey friends!

It's the start of yet another week!  How is that even possible?

Last week was a week that I was looking forward to, and dreading, all at the same time.  Jameson had TWO field trips last week, lasting a total of three days!  Talk about an unusual school week!

Tuesday, he had his Gifted class field trip. They went to the Southern Museum of Flight in Birmingham.

We weren't really sure what to expect, but by the time we left, we were huge fans of the museum!  The instructors, Brian and Brian, were fantastic with the kids! They all learned SO much (as well as the parents!).

We first took a tour through the history of flight.

An authentic German fighter plane.

One of Delta's very first planes. It only carried one passenger and was a crop duster!

An authentic fighter plane from the Vietnam era.

A replica of the second known generation of plane.

The kids getting to build their own glider.
My ham-of-a-son getting to sit in a real plane

Once we learned about this history of flight, the kids got to use a flight simulator and learned how to take off, fly, and land a plane!

There were a few successful landings and several landings on Interstates and through buildings. LOL  The kids had a blast!

Once we left the museum, we headed over to the McWayne Center to watch an Imax movie about the Monarch butterfly.  The movie was SO good and very interesting!

Posing in front of the McWayne Center.

Everyone wanted to get in on the act!
We all had a great time and learned a TON!

Then, on Thursday, the 4th grade had their yearly 4-H overnight (and 100% unplugged) field trip at the 4-H center near Wilsonville, AL.  Jameson was hesitant to go at first, but decided at the last minute that he wanted to go.  

ALL the kids that went! (Photo by Renee Stone)

Jameson and one of his best friends, Victoria. ( Photo by Renee Stone)

Jameson petting a SNAKE! (Photo by Renee Stone)
They got to learn a TON about nature. They waded through streams to try and catch different things in the water.  They learned about reptiles and also learned about using a GPS and how to tell directions without a GPS.  They learned a lot of very fun and USEFUL material!  

Even though he had a great time, he was very glad to get back home!

Jameson and his buddy, Hudson
Once he got home and told me all his stories, he didn't leave the couch for the rest of the night.

I don't know if Sweets (the cat) was happier to have Jameson home, or if Jameson was happier to be back home with Sweets!  LOL

We all had a blast last week, but I'm glad to say that it's behind us.  Now on to this week, and SPRING BREAK!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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