Monday, February 11, 2013

It's Valentine's Day already!

Hey friends!  I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!  Praying for all of those that have had horrible weather over the past week.  Snow storms and is such a weird and unpredictable thing!

How is it possible that Valentine's Day is this week?  Wasn't Christmas, like yesterday?  Time is just going WAY too fast!  (I think I say that a lot...but wow, I feel like my life is just slipping away!)

Thankfully, I have until Thursday to finish Jameson's, but I had to get on the ball and finish mine for work this weekend!

I saw this idea on Pinterest last week and thought it was adorable.  I really didn't think I would have time to design something similar, so I just left it on the back burner and tried to figure out something else to make for my co-workers.  I found a couple of things, but nothing was as cute as that one (that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg to make!).  I showed several ideas to Marty, and he loved the same one I did, and encouraged me to try it.  I worked on it for a while and finally was able to come up with my own template.  I am thrilled how well they came out!

The M and M's on the top are supposed to be all white....but seriously, there are only about 10 white M and M's in a large Valentine's Day bag.  HAHA!  I wish I had taken a picture of the back, where you can see all the M and M's.  I stacked them in shades of red->dark pink->light pink->white.  It looks all OMBRE back there! LOL  I hope my co-workers will love them!

My goal was to complete Jameson's Valentines today, too...but I bought the wrong size ink for my printer. So, I'll have to make another trip to the store and spend big bucks to by the correct size ink!  (In the same note, does anyone need any size 125 Epson ink?  I can make you a real good deal.  LOL)  Normally, I try to go all out with his classmate treats, but he is OVER that.  He picked out a super-simple Valentine and that's all he wants me to make.  Here is an image of what his will look like:

It will be attached to a plastic Army man.  No candy tubes, no super time-consuming treats....just a simple heart with an Army man.


First Chelsea graduates, and now this.  Where did I go wrong?  HAHA!

These next two things aren't Valentine's related, but I thought I would share anyway.  

I had the pleasure of designing an invitation for a surprise baby shower for a friend.  I had to block out all the information for now, because who knows if she will see it!

The background behind the dots and the damask is actually a very light pink.  It doesn't show up well in the photos.  I stressed out about these and almost printed them with several misspelled words!  It doesn't work well to do something like this when you aren't 100% fresh!  LOL

This is another one of my sequined shadow boxes.  I made this for a friend's daughter who was re-doing her room.  This is the first one of these I've done that isn't holiday related.
The words are actually silver and they just sparkled right along with the sequins and glittered background.  I loved the way this came together! 

Well folks, that's all that I have for today!  I hope your Monday is calm and uneventful!

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