Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Hey Friends!  Can you believe it's 2013?  My oh my how time flies!

Can you tell Jameson did the additions?

For the first time ever, my whole family wasn't together on New Year's Eve.  I had to work, what was supposed to be "part of the day", but it ended up being ALL day (actually getting home later than usual), and Marty and Jameson went hunting, so Chelsea stayed with Nana (as usual).  We normally spend NYE with Marty's sister and his family, but we were all so tired by the time we all got home, we just decided to stay where we were.

We watched Dick Clark's (RIP) New Year's Rockin' Eve and thoroughly enjoyed the PSY and Hammer performance.  Jameson is all about some PSY and Gangham Style (as evidenced by his additions to my New Year's sign) and Marty and I are all about some Hammer.  That performance led to several hours of looking up 80's old-school videos on YouTube and a LOT of dancing around the living room.  Jameson is now (a little bit) convinced that maybe his parent's music is cool, too.

**Mission Accomplished**

We did manage to make it until midnight, where I got hugs and kisses from my favorite two guys.  Then off to bed for a fantastic 9 hours of sleep!  Such a great way to ring in the new year!

Now it's on to a day of traditional New Year's food (beans and greens) and even more family time!  We were extremely excited that my sister and brother-in-law stopped by this morning for a quick visit!

Jameson couldn't wait on the rest of the food.

I don't usually make too many resolutions, but this year I do have a few:

  1. Spend more quality time with my family.  There have been so many tragedies this year that just proves that nobody is promised tomorrow.  I don't want my life to be filled with "I should have's".  My family is everything to me and I want them to KNOW how much they mean to me!
  2. I want to be a MUCH better friend.  I really suck at being a friend and I want to change that!
  3. I want to treat my house better.  Yes, I know this sounds weird.  But, God has blessed us with this house and wonderful neighborhood.  I want to take better care of this blessing.  That means keeping it cleaner, and finishing projects that have yet to be done.  I want to be comfortable and happy in my home, not be stressed because it's not clean and neat when company drops by.
  4. I want to try to have a better attitude.  This is going to be hard, but I'm going to try to work on it.
  5. Be more organized when it comes to crafting and "the business."  It's much easier to get in a crafting frame of mind, when you aren't staring at piles of JUNK!
 I have a million other things I NEED to work on, but these are at the front of my mind today.  What are YOUR resolutions this year?

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