Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who doesn't love Cracker Barrel?

Last week when I was telling y'all all about my fabulous adventure at the Southern Bloggers Conference, there was one thing that I forgot to mention.

I only remembered it because one of my friends on Twitter reminded me over the weekend.

You see, while in route to North Carolina, I may have Tweeted a few times about Cracker Barrel.

Yes, I ate/shopped at FOUR different Cracker Barrels in FOUR different states in eight days!

My sister, nieces and I ate at the local, Alabama CB after Sweet Repeats/Oxfordfest two Saturdays ago.  Then two days later, I ate at the CB near my work in Georgia. Then Friday, we stopped at the CB somewhere in the middle of South Carolina while on our way to the conference. Finally, the Sunday we were driving back home from the conference, we stopped at a CB in North Carolina to try to find some NCState t-shirts for Chelsea.  

Food AND shopping in one place?  What's not to love?

That's 4 different Cracker Barrels in eight days

I may be just a little bit obsessed, you think?


**Cracker Barrel did not compensate me in any way to write this blog post.  The wonderful people at Cracker Barrel have ZERO idea who I am and probably couldn't care less that I am obsessed with their food/merchandise**

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