Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Two digits

Today my baby boy is TWO DIGITS old. 

He's TEN!


I don't remember giving him permission to grow-up on me.  As a matter of fact, I think I remember specifically telling him NOT to grow-up.  But like most boys, did he listen?  NOOOOOO!  Not only is he growing up, I think he switched a turbo button to make himself grow even faster!  He's already outgrown all the clothes I bought him at the beginning of the summer and I think he has officially grown taller than Chelsea (much to her dismay).  Who knows, by his 11th birthday he could be taller than me!

Checking out his present.

Reading the card from his sister.

Thinking about his wish before he blew out the candles.
He has matured so much over the past few months.  He willingly gave up having a party so he could get the gift he really wanted.  I was worried he would get to is birthday and really regret the no party thing, but he hasn't mentioned it at all.  He has really surprised me.  After he opened his gifts last night (since it's a school day today, we thought we would try to start celebrating a little early), he thanked me for his gift, and then he said "But you know what I'm really thankful for?"  "My mommy, my daddy, my sister, my nana, and my kitty."   Instant tears, I'm telling ya!

So, today I would like to wish my precious {no longer baby} boy a very happy double digit birthday.  I am so proud of the young man that you are becoming.  I love you more than words could ever say!

Photo of Jameson & Gracie, taken by Gracie's mom, Nicole.

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