Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Wisest Kid in the Whole World!

Jameson, my 11 year old son, is awesome.  He is so stinkin' clever and wise,  and I never know what he's going to say next!  This weekend, as he was running through the house, he stopped at my chair and said "You know what?  Eating dessert first never killed anybody!"

After I finished laughing, I thought about what he said, and realized he was right.  Eating dessert first never killed anybody, but boy can it be frustrating when your kids don't want to eat anything BUT dessert.

Jameson is SUCH a picky eater.  Until the past year-or-so, I honestly don't know how he survived because it seemed like he didn't eat enough calories to keep him going.  Obviously he did, but I'm afraid his "eat dessert first" mentality is the only way he did survive.  Fortunately (?), his eating has definitely picked up over the past year, but finding things for him to eat other than pizza, burgers and chicken has been tough.

This is where Campbell's and the Wisest Kid in the Whole World came to my rescue.  Campbell's Wisest Kid the the Whole World is the ultimate expert on what makes kids happy.  Through their recipe destination, Campbell's gives you tons of new, kid-friendly recipes like Mini Chicken Pot Pies, and fun ways for your kids to eat tomato soup or chicken noodle soup.

I looked through all of their amazing and mouth-watering recipes, and immediately knew that their Pepperoni White Skillet Pizza recipe would be worth trying!  Pepperoni, chicken, noodles, and Campbell's cream of mushroom soup...what's not to like?

I decided to make it on a work night, so to speed the process up for me, I cooked my chicken all day in the crock pot.  (Chicken breasts and Swanson chicken broth, low, all day long).  When I walked in the door, the house already smelled wonderful, but once I started putting together all the other ingredients, the house smelled AMAZING!  Marty was as curious about the recipe as I was, and he helped me put everything together.  Once we completed the last step, we couldn't even wait for the final cook time to take several  a bite.

Photo from HERE because my picture shows off my messy cooktop.  HAHA!

OH MY WORD!  It tasted FABULOUS!  Marty and I spent a good 5 minutes just standing at the stove with forks eating straight from the pan!  I guess it's a good thing we aren't germaphobes.  Marty and I loved it, but the big question was, would Jameson like it?

Here's the big test...will he like it?

YES!  Success!  He liked it!!!  He liked it!!

Look at that huge second bite!

So YES Jameson, "Eating dessert first never killed anybody", but it sure is nice for you to eat your DINNER first, every once in a while!

Is your kid the Wisest Kid in the Whole World?  Do they say things that just make you scratch your head and then beam with pride because its just so clever?  Of course they do!  Through Campbell's Wisest Kid in the Whole World, you can share your kid's wise sayings with all your family and friends, and with the whole world!

Monday, September 23, 2013

I'm sinking in a sea of vinyl!

Hey friends!  Yeah, I know. I'm probably just here talking to myself by now.  I know I've been a horrible blogger and I'm really sorry!  I just can't seem to find a good balance between family, Blueberry Hill, work, and this blog.  Heck, I can't even find a balance between my family and Blueberry Hill.  HAHA!

I am thrilled that I've been asked to make t-shirts and window decals to help support one of the the most precious little girls ever!

I got this photo from Team Ava's page.
Nina, if you need me to remove it, let me know!

Miss Ava has NKH (Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia; Go here for information.) It's a HORRIBLE disease with no known cure.  Miss Ava's incredible mom, Nina, is doing everything she can to raise awareness for NKH and NKH research.  I am so honored they asked me to help!

I've been working on this project for weeks, but I finally was able to finish some shirts this weekend.  I am so exited about how they turned out!

Lots of bright colors

Window decals
If you would like to learn all about precious Miss Ava, you can go to her Facebook page, TEAM AVA.  If you would like to order some Team Ava merchandise, you can go HERE to place your order.

Along with the Team Ava merchandise, I've been working on a lot of other goodies, too!

Window decal with graphics from

And these are just part of the things I've been working on this week!  I've cut so much vinyl, I've used an entire 60ft roll just this week alone!  There are literally bags of weeded vinyl all over the place!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It was a perfect, nail-biting, Southern football weekend!

Hey friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It was gorgeous here with just a touch of fall in the air.  The kind of weekend that lets you know that the cool breezes of Fall are right around the corner.

Over the years, I've become more and more interested in college football.  I mean, I've always been a huge University of Alabama fan, but I've found myself actually watching other games as well.  Last Saturday, I spent the majority of the day flipping back and forth between several football games.  By the end of the night, I was asking myself "Who am I?  I'm turning into my dad!"

This weekend was no different!

First, on Friday night, I spent a huge amount of time checking in on Facebook, watching the score of our local school (and my alma mater), the Mighty Munford Lions.

It was a close game, down to the very end, but they pulled out a WIN!  We are so proud of our LIONS!

Then, it was on to Saturday and the big Alabama game against Texas A&M.

Other than the Alabama/Auburn game, this has definitely become one of our biggest rivalry games.  Johnny Football against the Crimson Tide. Last year, Texas A&M pulled out a surprising win, but this year, we bought the title back to Tuscaloosa! It went down to the last seconds of the game and I thought I would have a heart attack in those last 18 seconds!  Thankfully, the Crimson Tide ROLLED and won!  It may have been only by one TD, but a win is a win!

After I calmed down from that phenomenal game, I then tuned in to the Auburn/Mississippi State game.  Even though Auburn is our ultimate rival, I still want them to do well during the long as they LOSE to us in the Iron Bowl. HAHA!

Oh my goodness!  What a game!  It literally came down to the last 10 seconds of the game, with Auburn pulling out the win.

Finally, I started keeping track of the score from my college alma mater, Jacksonville State University.

They played against an old rival, the University of North Alabama.  That game was FILLED with penalties (as was the Bama game), and neither team could seem to get a touchdown.  But between field goals and safeties, the game ended up going into DOUBLE-OT, with JSU pulling out a last minute win (at about 11:00 pm).

Seriously, every single game I watched/kept up with this weekend, went down to the last seconds.

I would stay that means it was a perfect, nail-biting, Southern football weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I never realized each year would be even better!

Today, this no-longer-little boy turns ELEVEN!!!

I don't even know how that's possible!  It just seems like yesterday he was this little-bitty boy running around all over the place.

When he was colicky, then going through the terrible ones, twos, threes, and fours, I seriously never thought I would make it by the time he made it to the "pre-teen" years. I thought for sure I would be balled-up in the corner, sucking my thumb.  However, it has been the complete opposite!

Every year has been better and better. He has grown and matured into this loving, sweet, tender-hearted, intelligent, thoughtful, and hysterically funny young man.  He is the light of my life (along with his equally awesome big sister) and I cannot wait to spend time with him every day.  The very few times he's spent the night with friends/family, I literally felt like 1/2 of my heart was missing.

Happy 11th Birthday my dear, sweet boy!  I cannot wait to see what this year holds for you!!!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mama's Mumblings

Hey friends!  Yeah I know, it's been over a week since I last posted.  I would like to say it's because my life has been so exciting and action packed, but that would be a lie!  LOL

I've been sick-as-a-dog and swamped with orders, so I really haven't had time for or felt like doing anything fun or exciting.

I know you are all jealous and want my life.  Just admit it!  HAHA!!  (Totally kidding!)


I almost screwed up BIG TIME before the Alabama game on Saturday.  I almost forgot to hang my lucky wreath back up on the door!

Last year, I only took the wreath down for ONE game (during the week of Halloween) and we LOST! SO that wreath went right back up on that door and didn't come down again until after the National Championship game!  It must have worked, because we won!  LOL


I just realized that I never posted about the last EXTREMELY fun and exciting thing I did.  Marty and I got invited to the official #TwitterSupperClub part 2!  Katherine and Grayson (Grass Stains) invited us to their house for fun, food, and friendship.  We had an incredible time with Kat and Grayson, along with Rachel and Chris (Grasping for Objectivity in a Subjective Life) and Stephanie and Tadd (Plain Chicken)!  I swear, we need to do this every week because I'm telling you, these people are FUNNY!  I'll try to get my act together and do a proper post in a few days.  But in the mean time, you can enjoy Katherine's post about the night!

Photo stolen from Kat.

I took off work the to be with Jameson during the first week of school, and was scheduled to go back the next week on Wednesday and Thursday.  Well, guess who got sick-as-a-dog Tuesday?  Yup, that would be ME! I was so sick Wednesday and Thursday, I could barely move.  I did manage to make it from the bed to the bathroom to the recliner, and that's about all the movement I had for those two days.  I HATE, HATE, HATE that I had to call in to work, but driving that 100+ miles each way would have been impossible!  So, that means I went almost 3 weeks without working.  Going back this week was ROUGH!


I went to Wal-Mart today JUST to buy drinks and cat food....

**sigh**  You see how well that worked out, right?


Finally, fortunately this year has been going pretty well for Jameson.  So far, we've been able to keep a handle on his ADHD and he's tackling homework like a champ.  Some nights have been worse than others, but it's mostly on the days that our routine has been disrupted.  One thing that his school has started this year is working great, too.  They have starting using the Class Dojo system to help parents be able to see how they have been acting/participating during the school day.

The first week, Jameson had some problems with talking in class and in the hall, but once he realized that I knew about that before I even picked him up from school each day, he's been at 100%!  He gets "thumbs up" for participation, keeping his goals, finishing his work, working as a group, etc....  So far, it's been working great!


I hope you all have a wonderful week!  I'm off to work on MORE shirts!

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