Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Give the kid a t-shirt and a sword....

and this is what kind of photos you get on Halloween morning:

The shirt is one Jameson designed himself.  He is obsessed with the game, Minecraft, and Herobrine is a spooky legend from the game.  They couldn't wear their costumes to school today, but he did carry a little Minecraft with him.

His {quickly drawn} sketch.

I did the shirt last night while Jameson was asleep, so I was nervous if he would like it or not.  Thankfully, he LOVED it!  He even waited until he was completely ready to go this morning before he would even put it on so he wouldn't mess it up.


(I will have pictures of the cutest Katniss from the Hunger Games and Steve from Minecraft after tonight!)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I accept no resposibility for the upcoming salsa shortage...

Today, my co-worker and I went to Taco Bell and only ordered three tacos and an order of nachos.  The server there must have thought the food needed a little more flavor or mistook us for an entire football team,  because he gave us this...

TWENTY-NINE packs of salsa!

Most of the time, I have a hard time getting ONE pack of salsa.  I must have asked extra-nice today!

So, I am officially announcing to all of you, I accept NO responsibility for the upcoming salsa shortage!

Monday, October 29, 2012

No TRICKS, but lots of TREATS!

It's that time of year, where there is a lot of Trick-or-Treating going on.  I don't like a lot of tricks, so I thought I would make a lot of treats to share with my co-workers and Jameson's class mates.  The test-tubes I did last year were such a hit, I thought I would do something similar again this year.  Instead of test-tubes, I decided to go an easier and safer route, and use clear plastic baggies to hold the candy.  I think they turned out almost as cute! 

I hope everyone loves them!

(The graphics used on the tags are from the Silhouette Store.)

Are you looking forward to the Tricking or the Treating?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mama's Mumblings - Jameson updates

Hey friends!

It's Friday!  Is everybody ready for the weekend?  I know we are!

I thought I would do Mama's Mumblings a little different today because I had several Jameson-related things to talk about.

Remember his super-awesome and creepy Halloween pumpkin?

It won third place!  Jameson was so excited!  And now we have a super-awesome and creepy pumpkin to add to our front porch Halloween decor!


I am super proud of him when it comes to his school work!  He brought home his first report card of the year and he has ALL A's!  All of his grades but one were 97 and above!

He also got a 99 in conduct...which is HUGE!  (You know, because he may have a tendency to talk a lot...just like one of his parents....)  HAHA!


The book fair started at Jameson's school last night during the Fall Festival.  Jameson LOVES the book fair, just like I did when I was his age.  (Well, I actually still love the book fair...LOL)  He walked in last night and the first book he grabbed was this:

One of the teachers said that all the kids fought to get to check this book out of the library.  I remember being the exact same way as a kid. What is it with kids and the Guinness Book of World Records that is SO fascinating?  Well now we have our own 35-pound copy of the book to read whenever we want to!


Since I volunteered to help with the book fair last night, Jameson was pretty much own his own for the Fall Festival.  I gave him some tickets and told him to go do whatever he wanted as long as he was careful and respectful.  Well, if I had done that last year, he would have spent those tickets in the first 5 minutes and would have been coming back for more.  This year was completely different.  At the end of the night, he only had about 4 pieces of candy, his face painted, and the majority of the tickets I gave him at the beginning of the night.  He spent the majority of the night just "hanging-out" with his friends.


He also came back at the end of the night with something else....

I kept smelling something all night and I just assumed it was because the library was SO crowded.  But the more I smelled it, I realized it was HIM!

Back in February, he wanted me to buy deodorant, but it was because he wanted it, not because he needed it.  Well now he officially NEEDS it!


Jameson has never really been an eater.  Sure, he loved his bottles (would go NUTS waiting on his bottles), but once food was introduced, his eating slowed way down.  He's very picky, and really just doesn't eat much of anything.  Well, that is until lately.

We have definitely noticed an increase in his food intake.  This morning, he ate FOUR of these:

I think we are in trouble for the next 10 years!


Jameson has never been a morning person.  It it were up to him, he would stay up to 12:00 or 1:00 am and sleep until 9:00 or 10:00.  It is like pulling teeth to get him up in the mornings! But for the past three days, there have been big changes.

Minecraft (the computer game he's obsessed with) had some sort of update scheduled for early Wednesday morning.  He asked me to wake him up early so he could upload the update.  I told him there was no way I was getting up that early, and if he wanted to get up early bad enough, he could just set his own alarm and get up by himself.  Well, he thought about it and decided that's what he wanted to do.  He set his alarm, and went to sleep.
The next morning, when I got up at my usual time, I noticed Jameson wasn't up.  I went into his room, where his alarm was going off - and had been for 45 minutes, and Jameson was still sound asleep. I woke him up and told him what time it was.  He dove out of the bed and ran to the computer.  Fortunately, for him, there were some glitches with the update, and it had been postponed until the next morning.

That night, he was determined to set his alarm again, but he changed the sound.  I was skeptical that it would work, but I let him try again.  The next morning when I got up, Jameson was already up, had updated his computer, and was playing the updated version of Minecraft.

The new alarm worked!

Last night, he said he was going to set his alarm again.  I asked him why, and he said that he realized that if he got up early, he could play on the computer for a few minutes before he had to get ready for school.  Well what do you know....that's the exact same thing that I had been telling him for years!


Who is this young man and what happened to my BABY?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What in the World?

Over the past couple of days, I've seen a few things that have literally made me say "What in the World???"  Thank goodness for the invention of cell phone cameras (even though my phone has to have the worst camera on the planet) so I could get pictures of these things that have had me scratching my head.

When I got home late on Monday night, I found this number on my caller ID:

Nothing like seeing "U S GOVERNMENT" on your caller ID to make you have a major freak-out moment.  So, I looked up the phone number and found out it was a Marine Recruiter.

Photo from here.
  So, we get a call from a Marine Recruiter.  In this house we have a 43 y.o. female, a 45 y.o. male, a 10 y.o. male, and a 20 y.o. female.  Who are they looking for?

Last night I talked to Marty and he said he actually talked to the Marine recruiter, and they were looking for Chelsea (or rather "Sara").  Marty asked them how they got her information.  He said his records showed that she had just graduated from high school and he wanted to talk to her about signing up.  Marty then asked the man if he actually READ her records.  He hemmed and hawed and told him "Yes",  to which Marty quickly replied that he must not have read her information because she was mentally challenged and had actually received a certificate of attendance, not a diploma.  The man quickly apologized and hung up.

Yeah, please don't call back and please make sure the Army, Navy, Air Force, and the  National Guard recruiters get the memo, too.

When I came out of Office Max last night, this is what I saw:

Um, yeah.  I think somebody needs a little more Driver's Ed!


Finally, I saw this when I went to the Post Office last night:

For those of you who don't know, this is where chitterlings (or Chitlin's) come from:

And this is what they look like:
Not only does this fall under the "What in the World" category, but it also falls under the "Why didn't I think of that?" category!  I mean, some of richest people in the world started out by making a product or providing a service that people really need.  To the person who came up with this idea to offer chitterling cleaning, I applaud their spunk and ingenuity!  I hope you make a fortune!

So my friends, have y'all had any "What in the World?" sightings recently?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who doesn't love Cracker Barrel?

Last week when I was telling y'all all about my fabulous adventure at the Southern Bloggers Conference, there was one thing that I forgot to mention.

I only remembered it because one of my friends on Twitter reminded me over the weekend.

You see, while in route to North Carolina, I may have Tweeted a few times about Cracker Barrel.

Yes, I ate/shopped at FOUR different Cracker Barrels in FOUR different states in eight days!

My sister, nieces and I ate at the local, Alabama CB after Sweet Repeats/Oxfordfest two Saturdays ago.  Then two days later, I ate at the CB near my work in Georgia. Then Friday, we stopped at the CB somewhere in the middle of South Carolina while on our way to the conference. Finally, the Sunday we were driving back home from the conference, we stopped at a CB in North Carolina to try to find some NCState t-shirts for Chelsea.  

Food AND shopping in one place?  What's not to love?

That's 4 different Cracker Barrels in eight days

I may be just a little bit obsessed, you think?


**Cracker Barrel did not compensate me in any way to write this blog post.  The wonderful people at Cracker Barrel have ZERO idea who I am and probably couldn't care less that I am obsessed with their food/merchandise**

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mama's Mumblings

Hey y'all! 

It's another Monday.  Why do they always seem to come so fast?  I mean, I swear it was just Wednesday, and I blinked my eyes and it's Monday again.  Time, PLEASE SLOW DOWN!  Do you realize that Christmas is only a few weeks away?  How did that happen?  I think I'm just going to stick my head under my pillow and pretend Christmas is still a L-O-N-G way away!

(You think that will work?)


I've been busy, busy with "the business" again this week.  I've managed to knock a TON of orders and gifts out this week!
The next 4 pictures are for an order for a very special friend.  Her son is graduating Army Boot Camp on Halloween and the onesies are for his precious baby girl to wear.

Mommy needed a special shirt, too!

I made a TON of these for friends, family and co-workers:

For my niece:

Also for my niece:

And these invitations for a very special little girl:
 I can't believe little Miss Mallory is almost TWO!  I am SO SAD!  She is growing up WAY too fast!

(There's that "flying time" thing again!)


I'm pretty sure I'm going to participate in a local craft fair in a couple of weeks.  I am TERRIFIED!  I've been trying to come up with some cute ideas of things to make.  I will take orders for t-shirts and my monograms, but I'd like to have a lot of things that people can take with them.  I'd also like to see how much of my craft hoard I could use to make things.  If I only did frames I could fill up a whole table, I'm afraid.  LOL  I just don't want to make a bunch of stuff and not be able to sell it.  Do any of you have any great ideas of things that may sell well?  I'm open to suggestions!


This year at Jameson's school, the library is having a pumpkin parade.  Kid's pick out their favorite characters from a book and make a pumpkin to match.  Well, being my kid, this is what Jameson decided to make:

That would be a vampire worm, in case you didn't know!

So, we worked ALLLL weekend making our own version of a vampire worm.

We had a lot of fun fixing him up. It was really neat for all of us to try to come up with ways to do each different part of the worm.  The "ears" are melted/painted baby spoons, stuck into styrofoam that is hot glued to the pumpkin.  The eyes are screw-top caps from Coke bottles, the skin is a painted garbage bag, and the teeth are made of fun foam.

  We just hope it survives until he makes it to school.  The first pumpkin we had ROTTED before we even had it a day, so we had to get another one.  We hope the coat of black paint will keep this pumpkin alive for a few days.  Then, the cat decided she wanted to use the "ears" as a chew toy...AND WOULD NOT STOP!  So, after some touch-up paint, we had to take it out to Marty's truck so she couldn't get to it!

Jameson is so excited to bring it to school!  I just hope he's not too disappointed if he doesn't win.  There are a lot of really awesome pumpkins in the parade!  I definitely think that he would win for "most unusual", however!  LOL

I've got my yearly "I'm going to screw up your favorite time of year again" sinus/cold junk.  I felt the first little tickle Tuesday night and it's been all downhill from there.  My friend Julie has the same mess and she's taking off work today to go to the doctor. She is hoping to get a shot to get rid of it.  I asked her if it was wrong of me to be jealous of her for getting to take off work, even if it is to get a shot. She did invite me to come along and get shots together.  I'm seriously thinking it would be worth it.  LOL

I remember when I was a kid, I would have to miss Trick-or-Treating almost every, single year because I would be sick.  I would just love to be able to make it through October - December without feeling like my head and chest were going to explode.

Chelsea's current crush, Scotty McCreery, has just released a new Christmas album.  So, in the past week, she's gotten an autographed copy from the Scotty McCreery fan club, an "exclusive edition" complete with booklet and calendar from Wal-Mart, and has downloaded the album on iTunes. 

Sorry for the bad cell phone picture.
I think she may be just a tad bit obessed, don't you?  
(She is also wearing a North Carolina State t-shirt because that's Scotty's favorite team.)

I guess it could be worse....she could be this obsessed with some hormone-ravaged teenage boy that lives locally.  We would be locking her in the house for sure!


Well my friends, I hope you all have a wonderful and fantastic week!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Frightful Halloween Decor

Hey friends!

As usual, I'm behind on my holiday decorating, but I have managed to finish my inside decor.

Last year, I went with a "witch's foot/leg" decor, so I just assumed I would do the same this year.  Well, after a couple of trips to Ross/TJ Maxx/ and the Dollar Tree, my decor changed up a bit this year.  As much as I love my witch's feet/legs, something about the muted colors and frightful bones just spoke to me.  Instead of fighting it, I decided to just go with it.  I think it turned out pretty spooky!


And a little decor on the entrance table:

As far as the front porch, wellllll, we have a little bit done.  The "famous" witch's legs from last year finally made their return this afternoon:

Things still need a lot of work, but hopefully we can accomplish more tomorrow.

I hope you all are enjoying this fabulous fall weather! Have a great weekend!

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